Taming the Savage Breast

"The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination."
John Schaar

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weight Loss

Last summer, I had a check-up with my doctor. At the time, my cholesterol was higher than it had been in the past. I've always had high cholesterol, but it finally reached the point that my doctor wanted me to lower it. One of the reasons I like my doctor is because his first option wasn't to put me on medication to lower it. He wanted me to do it with diet instead. He suggested I lose 20 pounds by the end of the year and suggested certain foods to avoid.

I made some progress, but three weeks of heavy travel in September/October followed by Thanksgiving negated my progress. Over the holidays, in Spain, I managed to re-lose a few pounds. When I came back, I met with my doctor again. He still didn't want to use medication to control my cholesterol, so he encouraged me, once again, to control it using diet. We set a goal weight that was a loss of about 25 pounds.

With the turn of the new year, I was more determined than ever to leave my baggage behind... unresolved emotions, lack of self-confidence, and excess weight. By the time I was diagnosed, I had lost about 15 pounds. Since I've been diagnosed, I've lost an additional 6 pounds. This weight loss has been intentional. Since I've been diagnosed, I've been eating healthier than ever. Yes, I've also been experiencing a decrease in appetite. Is it the cancer? Or is it a shrinking hunger to match my shrinking waistline? It's probably a combination of both. Whatever it is, not only have I been eating healthier, but I've also been eating less. And, I'm well on my way to my goal.

You may be wondering why I'm telling you this. A friend of mine recently revealed that she and a few others were under the impression that my weight loss was a direct result of my cancer. I don't know how many people are thinking that, but I wanted to let you know that it's not. My weight loss is intentional... suggested by my doctor. It was also time. I carried the extra weight around too long. I was tired of it... as I was tired of the other baggage I've been carrying around.

In some ways, the cancer has made it easier to lose weight, but it hasn't been the cause of it. I don't want my friends looking at me thinking I'm shrinking away to nothing. I have a goal weight that I established with my doctor. I'd like to make that goal this summer, as I originally planned. I have 5 more pounds to make my goal. However, that's not my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal will take me 15 pounds beyond that. However, 5-10 would be just fine too.


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