Walking for the Cure
Saturday, I went walking for the cure. I was joined by my friends Cathy, Chris, Shannon and Jenny. Jenny's friend Anya also joined us. (I hope I'm spelling her name correctly.) Oh, yeah... there were also about 25,000 other people there too.
It was amazing to see all those people lined up to walk at Comerica Park. I've got some video footage that I'll post soon. By the way, the reason I haven't posted the video footage of my head being shaved yet is because I keep forgetting to go out and buy the right cable to suck it into my computer. I used to have a cable for that, but I can't find it anywhere.
The walk was really something. Survivors wore special pink t-shirts and hats so that you could pick us out in the crowd. We had barely started walking when a woman came up to me and gave me a pair of pink earrings. She said that they came with a blessing. Noticing my bald head, she and her walking companions (both survivors) asked me how long ago I had finished chemo. They were both surprised to learn that I'm still on it. That would not be the last time someone asked me that question and was surprised by my answer.
At the end of the race, another survivor came over and gave me a hug. It was very empowering to be a part of this group. Being there reminded me of something my therapist, Julie, said to me when I was first diagnosed. I had been trying to create a stronger circle of women friends at the time. She told me that I have been invited into a very exclusive club. I hadn't asked to join, but I had been invited. And that this exclusive club is one of the biggest women support groups in the world.
Walking on Saturday among all these other pink t-shirted women, I realized how true those words were. Again and again, other survivors came up to me to greet me and ask me how I was doing. I also walked with several women (and Chris) that are already my friends. It was really a spectacular thing, and I was really glad to be part of it. And, although I had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning just to be there, it was totally worth it!
Way to go Tonua! I wish I could've been there with you all and can imagine how poweful the supportive energy was - and still is - coursing through your veins with healing power.
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