Bald is Beautiful
During my treatment, I blogged about my experience with being bald (Bald... and Loving It!).
Recently, as I was fast forwarding through commercials on my Tivo, my eye caught the image of a beautiful bald woman. Of course, I had to stop and go see what it was about.
It was a Bristol-Myers Squibb commercial about ovarian cancer. The woman named all the things that were beautiful to her as she recovered from cancer. The commercial spoke so directly to the way I felt when I was recovering that I was inspired to go see out the commercial. In doing so, I discovered this amazing woman's website: Bald is Beautiful. I was also inspired to send her an email thanking her for sharing her story and to share a little of my own.
I was hoping to find a version of the commercial that I could embed in this blog entry, but that was not the case. Instead, you can view it here on the Bristol-Myers Squibb website.
I encourage you to watch this commercial because she so eloquently states exactly how I felt about my cancer. And, oh yeah, bald is beautiful.
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