A Short One
Like my new radiation treatment, this will be short.
I started a new phase of radiation today. Up until now, I've been receiving X-ray radiation on all the areas surrounding my surgical area, including the lymph nodes in my left armpit and on the left side of my neck.
Today, they started something called an electron boost that is applied only to the incision area. This is good because my skin was really starting to become tender in the other areas. One spot, in the center of my chest, has become so red and irritated that the outer layer of skin is starting to flake away (much like a bad sunburn). Under my arm, the skin has become very red (almost purple) and very sensitive (again, like a bad sunburn). So, it's nice that I'm done with treatment in those areas. My doctor has given me a prescription to put on those areas to take away some of the pain and, hopefully, accelerate the healing process.
The new radiation is different because it uses electrons instead of X-rays. The electrons don't penetrate as much as the X-ray, so it's all surface radiation for the skin around my incision area. I originally stated that I would receive this for my last 6 treatments. I miscounted; it's my last 7 treatments, starting today.
The nice thing is that because they are only treating one spot, the session is super quick. A few days after starting radiation, I began bringing my iPod with me to listen to music during my treatment. I would usually get through several songs while I was in there. Today, I brought my iPod with me to my new treatment. I was already in the middle of a song when it started. I didn't even get through the first song before it was over. That was pretty cool! So, I'll be skipping the iPod for last few sessions.
That's it. I just wanted to give you an update on the latest info.
Happy Halloween!!
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